Steady Ayuen

Steady Ayuen Poems

In Brilliant Academy, where dreams take flight
Stands a beacon of knowledge, shining so bright.
A place of inspiration, a haven for all,
This is the story of my school standing tall.

Future is what we look into
Everyday we wake up,
Everyday when the sun starts pouring on earth,
Everyday when the birds sing,

The dream beyond man's reach
I have a dream to be fulfilled on the moon
It's a dream of a child whose destiny is unknown
A child whose future is not known either

Steady Ayuen Biography

PETER AYUEN KON AJHOK known by his popular name Steady Ayuen is a Pan Africanist, Author, Peace activist, and Motivational Speaker. He is well known for his creative writing such as poems and novel. 'The Hero Of Life' is his debut novel which is all about the story of an African boy who struggled to become a successful leader and businessman. His writing experience is a pride to his family as well as friends who believe that he is an inspired soul that is going to change the society through his writing and speaking skills. He is also the Executive Director of Peacepedia a global Youth led nonprofit organisation which advocate for peace and unity. EARLY LIFE AND FAMILY Stedy Ayuen was born on 10th of December 2002 in Liwolo Payam, Mangalatore village IDPs camp in Kajo Keji County Central Equatoria State as a fourth child to John Kon Ajhok from Alian clan and Monica Ajook Alier Leek from Angakuei clan of Dinka tribe. Born after Ajhok, Bior who perished at a young ages, Dutch and was followed by Kuol, Yar, Alier, Anyieth and Lual. His father Kon is an ambitious man who is a farmer and do not stay away from cattle. He was named Kon " Ma-ngaai" a Dinka name given to a man who rear cattle of different colors. During the Liberation of his country, Kon was trained as a soldier under Sujun division and were known as the guerillas. Later on after being married to Monica, his family fled to Equatorial region where Stedy was born. With the dreams to see the progress and the future of his family, Kon sent his first born son to a refugee school and later on Dutch (Dut) joined. EDUCATION Steady started is academic Journey at a very early age in 2006 at Kendri Primary School, but the boy was not capable of studying at school he often move to several places outside school during school hours and this gift is mother had time to search for him. His mother stopped him from going to school however Ajhok and Dutch continue with their studies till 2007 when the UNHCR declared the returning of South Sudanese refugees to their respective places following the signed comprehensive peace agreement in 2005 such that the census is taken and referendum is held so, the family was move to Bor. In Bor, Stedy met most of his close relatives who were born and they have never ever met due to the displacement of people by the war. In 2009 Ajhok their elder brother joined school but due to financial crisis the two brothers were not send to school until 2010 when Dutch was sent to school and Stedy remain at home. The two brothers who were at school continue to teach their younger siblings at home during the leisure steady learned all the alphabet letters and numbers after been taught buy is older brothers. When is joined is school in 2011, Ayuen progressed well at school. At school he also discovered that there was something behind his life as a Schoolboy. Is father Kon was working in the government Plantation as a security personnel under the Sujun division. But unfortunately, towards the end of 2013 in December, as Civil War broke out in the country between the government forces under the commander of presidents Salva Kiir and his and his opponent Riak Machar. The war led to the loss of thousands of lives and forced many to flee to neighboring countries to seek refuge. His family fled to Uganda and were welcomed by humanitarian agencies such as UNHCR, LWF Red Cross Society, World Vision, Windle International to mention some but a few, the schools were open and thousands of South Sudanese refugee children joined. His Father who is a cattle lover remained behind in South Sudan to look for a safer place for his life and cattle. Years later, Stedy completed his certificate of primary education in a refugee school sponsored by Windle International and he obtained good grade making him one of the luckier persons to join High School that year. He proceeded to High School after been given a bursary to study free at Francis Ayume Memorial Secondary School in Koboko District. A few months later, the corona virus came in and was declared a world pandemic and the government of Uganda declared a national lockdown. The schools, churches, hotels, bars, restaurants, institutions, and other public places were closed. That year the life change to worse. The following year, schools where open and measures were put in place. After attending a Bible course, Ayuen became Friends with pastor Orenya who connect him with Bishop Onono the Director of Gulu Christian comprehensive school for another sponsorship, Steady move to Gulu City and he met new students who were ambitious like him. Few months later he was elected school entertainment perfect and serve the school by taking care of television, piano and drums routinely. The corona virus arises and another additional lockdown was put in place. These forced many students to leave the country to study abroad. Steady returned to South Sudan to study. Between 2020 and 2022 Stedy attended four schools which he liked so much because of many friends he have had. The year later is Steady join University and became a teacher in primary school. WRITING CAREER His writing career started at early age of 17 with numerous of articles such as poems, essays, short stories and motivational quotes wake call to an end gender, racial, based violence and condemned conflicts. He wrote a novel entitled " The Hero Of Life" when he had moved to Juba to stay with his cousins. Which he finished in 2022. But it took long without been published because of the many crisis such as financial crisis. RELIGION Peter Ayuen was one of the church choir is one of the choirs in his local church engaged in dancing, singing and preaching in early age he developed a Christian mind. He see God as the only opportunity to peaceful life. He did not think of any way to change his life but God. In is Christian Journey, He had met with Reverend David Deng, who brought him up in his local church. Reverend David Mayen and Reverend Philip Garang and a friend David Thon who motivated and mentor him with Mentorship programs and Bible courses. In 2022 when is schools were closed due to Covid, he attended Bible course hosted by Reverend Orenya of portable Bible schools and completed months later. Peter Ayuen suggested that " regardless of all difficulties on the world of death and livings, God stands for River as a supreme being and Jesus as a savior & Lord;)

The Best Poem Of Steady Ayuen

Brilliant Academy

In Brilliant Academy, where dreams take flight
Stands a beacon of knowledge, shining so bright.
A place of inspiration, a haven for all,
This is the story of my school standing tall.
Within its walls, echoes of laughter resound,
As curious minds in discovery are bound.
Teachers like guides, nurture each tender soul,
Guiding, helping them reach their goals.

The cornerstone of country's education,
Where creativity thrive and find its start.
Where teachers lead in quality teaching,
Unleashing talents, fostering a lifelong impression.
In classrooms, curiosity blows and grows
As mines are awakened, knowledge bestows.
From math to science, literature to history,
students enjoy the victory of their pens

Brilliant Academy, a treasure trove of written dreams,
Where imagination soar on silent streams.
Books with far secrets, tales of the past,
A good school and embraces diversity embrace
Celebrating differences, with love and grace.
It's Brilliant Academy in South Sudan not Harvard,
Where Students are trained to be policymakers

This is an amazing school where dreams become realities
A community united, striving for excellence,
Brilliant Academy, a sanctuary of light,
Just from unknown place comes the great school
So let us celebrate this haven of learning,
With gratitude and pride, our hearts yearning,
For Brilliant Academy, like a guiding star,
Shapes lives and future, near and far
Long live Brilliant Academy

Poet: Steady Ayuen

Steady Ayuen Comments

Steady Ayuen Quotes

'There is no single day without it's future and the future is the day behind'

'⁹The World richest didnot become rich after winning lottery but through their commitment, persistence and hope to become who they want to be'

'Every step you take in life is either written in the book of success or failure, so be careful in every decision you want to take'

'A ruler who is fully respected is he who give people freedom on what to do'

'The reason why there is no total peace and freedom in our country is because we value ourselves than others, thinking that we are the owners of the country'

'Force only comes in when you are told to do right thing and resist thrice'

'It's our choice whether we need peace or war however the best option of the two is peace and freedom that comes with it'

The secret you didn't know and you still don't understand is that me and you can change the whole world'

'The secret you didn't know and still don't understand is that me and you can change the whole world'

'A beggar is always a slave and more important than a thief'

'Love your wife the more but don't forget the pain and love of your mother'

'Two minutes of prayer is an addition of two million blessings into the life of a prayer warrior'

'Good is never bad until two evils make it bad'

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