The Truth Of Unity Poem by Mohammad Younus

The Truth Of Unity


In the last hours of the night
A Zāhid sitting on the prayer rug
Began to weep and wail desperately
I am in a dilemma:
Am I or am I not?
If He is, who I am?
If I am who is He?
If He is inside me, who is outside?
If He is on the Àrash, who is on the Farash?
A sweet voice came from the unseen
Forget about the duality
I and He, You and Me,
Up and down, In and out
know the truth of unity
Lift the veil of one or two
One light is on both sides
Hear His voice speaking to you
Fear not; I am your lord
lā Illāha illā Anna
There is a brotherhoood of Faqirs
Join them, and feel the delight
of peace in their love street,
Come out of the noisy world
Drink full in the tavern of love
Close your eyes to open the inner eye.
Open your arms and hug the lovely soul
Sit down in this circle of lovers
To learn faqre and manners of love
Do not be like a Tibetan dog
It spoils its snow white fur coat
In search of food in shit and dirt
Follow not the temptations of Satan
Follow him who created you to be His viceroy
Placed you in His garden with all provisions
You rebelled and ran after the pleasures
Got tangled as a prisoner In world
Why do you stay in this prison
when the door is wide-open
Get out and move to the city of light
Break barbed wires that tangle you
Stop you enter the native home
Live in silence there with dignity
To watch the Sultan singing
Flow down into the roaring river
that flows singing around you
Notice! like a cypress at midnoon
Even your shadow is now lost
He only speaks, you do not
He only listens, you do not
He only sees, you do not
He only exists, you do not
In that realm you are like a dead
Mute, blind, deaf, existing not
Life after death is now restored
To give meaning to resurrection
He breathes in you the life breath
To bring you back to life again
Blesses you with His eyes to see
No other can ever see Him except He
Blesses you with His ears to hear
His speech without a gobetween
Blesses you with His tongue to speak
Like Moses on the Mount Toor
Rejoice and give thanks to God
Now you are reborn
As a shadow of God
Who is Hayun lā Yamūt

Saturday, November 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: mystical
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