Clouds Of Love Poem by PREMKUMAR C N

Clouds Of Love

Rating: 4.5

Confessions of Krishna - 10

Oh, golden twilight clouds,
Go far with the message in my songs
To where my beloved weeps for me
Wipe her tears and tell her she is mine

Let her know how sad I feel
In this world so unreal
In this suffocating silence
Left by her long absence

Carry the vapors of tears
From my eyes as your clouds of blue
Stay above her, high in the sky
Inundate her, with droplets of my sorrow

Let the thunders in my heart
Shiver all the Ashta-Dikpalas
With the reverberations of the mantra
‘Krishna loves Radha'

Let the lightning in my heart
Spread around the horizon
All the sparks of love I kept undisturbed
For the queen of my heart

Take her up in the whirlwinds of my mind
And carry her in the mighty winds
Take her in your stormy hands
Place her in my arms which crave for her touch

(This is an imaginary poem written as narrated by God Krishna to his childhood love Radha, to show how sublime and deep his love was.) This poem is selected POEM OF THE DAY- MEMBERS on March 2nd,2023 by POEMHUNTER

Ashta-Dikpalas- Gods ruling the eight sides. They are 1) East - Lord Indra 2) West - Varuna 3) North - Lord Kubera 4) South - Yama 5) South East - Lord Agni 6) Southwest - Niruthi 7) Northwest - Vayu 8) Northeast - Isana.

Mantra - a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of 'creating transformation.' Their use and type vary according to the school and philosophy associated with the mantra.

‘Krishna loves Radha' - With Krishna, Radha is acknowledged as the Supreme Goddess, for it is said that she controls Krishna with Her love. It is believed that Krishna enchants the world, but Radha enchants even Him. Therefore She is the supreme goddess of all.

Dr Antony Theodore 21 August 2010

Let the thunders in my heart Shiver all the Ashta-Dikpalas With the reverberations of the mantra ‘Krishna loves Radha’ repeat in your heart the holy name of God millions of times and you will have the great vision of God and incalculable inner peace. i hve met Sanyasis and Sanyasins who spend hours on end repeating the holy name of Rama and Krishna and Radha. i hve met Chrístians who likewise repeat the holy name of Jesus. there is light in their face and a peace in their movements. you have brought in a wonderful pont through your meditative poem.. a great religious poet. thank you for sharing

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Ken E Hall 19 December 2010

Beautiful poem of a loved one soothing to read....nice...regards 10/10

10 1 Reply
Marieta Maglas 22 June 2012

Expressive and very thoughtful Good job

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 02 March 2023

Beautiful poetic expressions with crystalline images.A well crafted poem of love.

6 0 Reply

Congratulations, Prem. This poem is selected POEM OF THE DAY- MEMBERS today. An occasion for revisit

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PREMKUMAR C N 12 April 2023

Thank you for informing me. It is a great news for me.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 16 January 2023

Reading this lovely worded poem about Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha is a pleasure. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful poem, so many people have a different belief, I belief in Jesus Christ, but I can appreciate this woderous poem about the love of two Gods

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Rob Lamberton 16 January 2023

Vivid imagery! Captivating!

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Dr Dillip K Swain 14 September 2022

I can't express in words how much do I love this endearing poem. I appreciate your fascinating expression tinged with fervour, 'Let her know how sad I feel In this world so unreal In this suffocating silence'. Top score for this poem.

4 0 Reply
PREMKUMAR C N 20 April 2023

Thank you very much for the exhilarating expression. Your words really touched my heart.

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