Phyllis Strong

Phyllis Strong Poems

Some people have short hair, some have long.
Some people have thick hair; some people’s hair is all gone.

Some people have black hair, some have gray.

A crying out of the spirit
When you suppress the scream.

A poem is;

Don’t be mad at God,
When he decides to take me home;
Our days on this earth are numbered,
Whether they are short or long.

Being unemployed, I try to find a job, just any job;
but my mind keeps going back to that thing.
The thing that's really on my heart to do.

My bungee when I'm falling
Healing ointment for my sore
Hand behind me when I'm stalling
My buffet when wanting more.

Soul troubled by things out of your control.

Under a spiritual strong hold.

It can build-up the cast down,
It can crush a heart of stone.
It can bring out the good;
In anyone who’s bad to the bone.

Are tears considered prayers
When I don’t know what to say.
My words won’t come together;
That makes it hard to pray.

Another night without anything to eat
no heat in the house,
no shoes for their feet.

I wrote a poem some years ago
"Are Tears Considered Prayers",
because of things so heavy on me,
I couldn't utter a prayer.

Someone said "you're as young as you feel".
At age fifty I'm feeling grand.
Life has given me many blows;
I fell, but still I stand.

I’ve never been a cheerleader,
Or a beauty queen.
Still, I’m a child of the king.

I sneezed, and nobody said “bless you.”
I asked a question, nobody answered.
I looked a man in the eye, and said “hello.”
He said nothing.

God I have a burden heart;
the issue has been around since days of old.
What happen to the families?
Where's the love, harmony and compassion?

I know the race is not to the swift
And the battle to the strong,
But when you pace like the tortoise
The race takes too long.

You dream…you can see it,
But how? Who? When?
You search…you don’t know.

I get the looks and comments do come
I get the stares, you know the ones
And yes, some ask questions to me
I welcome them all; don’t let me be

Some people may call you stupid.
Some people may say you’re crazy.
Idle mind people will talk about everyone
as they sit around being lazy.

Love is like a beautiful flower,
You have to plant a seed for it to grow.
Love is like a quiet whisper,
You have to be a good listener; for you to know.

I gave my life to Christ, with the Bible I did agree,
I confessed with my mouth
And believed in my heart
It’s just that simple, you see.

The Best Poem Of Phyllis Strong

All Different, But Still The Same

Some people have short hair, some have long.
Some people have thick hair; some people’s hair is all gone.

Some people have black hair, some have gray.
Some people have brown hair, some blonde, some red.
Some people’s hair a color unsaid.

Some people are short, some people are tall.
Some people will love you; some won’t like you at all.

Some people like hot weather, some like cold.
Some people are timid, some people are bold.
Some people have dark skin, some people have light.
Some people have black skin, some people have white.

Some people eat meat; some won’t touch it at all.
Some people have a good memory, some can’t recall.
Some people accept Christ, some never will.
Some people are stingy, some people give.

Some people like school, some people don’t.
Some people will excel, some people won’t.
Some people smoke cigarettes, some never will.
Some people are honest, some people steal.

Some people have book knowledge;
But don’t know the Holy Book.
Some people burn food, some people can cook.

Some people are old, some people are young.
Some people do smart things, some people do dumb.

Some people just have a diploma
Some people have degrees.
Some people do things slow, some with a breeze.
Some people are complainers, some easy to please.

Some people hate shopping, some stay in the mall.
Some people hate God, but God loves us all.

We are all different, but still the same.

When I get cut, I bleed red;
You get cut, red blood you’ll shed.

Some people are plump, some people are thin.
But we are all the same, we’re all human being.

Copyright © 2010-Phyllis Strong

Phyllis Strong Comments

Luo Zhihai 27 January 2015

Are you American? I want to know.

1 1 Reply

Phyllis Strong Quotes

I will say of the Lord, He is the elasticity in my resilience. His hand won't let go. -Phyllis Strong

Beautiful is in the hands of the makeup artist. -Phyllis Strong

When you draw close to God, things will fall apart; only to line up. And you will be broken; only to be filled. -Phyllis Strong

When you know better but choose not to do better; the eyes of the learner pick up the bad habits of the influencer. -Phyllis Strong

As Christians we should always be the light of the world, so resist the temptation to go "Off" on someone when they pull your circuit breaker. -Phyllis Strong

Don't get the big head when God set a table before you in the presence of your enemies, He may tell you to feed them. -Phyllis Strong

Read the Word of God to see what He has to say, more than you read your text messages to see what others have to say. -Phyllis Strong

Everybody wants to be propelled higher, but no one wants the tension, duration, and pain of the stretch. -Phyllis Strong

Spending time in the secret place with God will sustain us in the public place. -Phyllis Strong

Photoshopping should have a low self-esteem warning…person in this photo may be bigger than they appear. -Phyllis Strong

Being in the perfect peace of God is like being wrapped in a warm comforter on a cold winter night. -Phyllis Strong

Beside every good man that's providing for his family is a good wife praying to God to give him wisdom and strength, keep him healthy and protected. -Phyllis Strong

Let wisdom be known in your home, your footprint be throughout your community, and your mark be on the world. -Phyllis Strong

The things I've experienced, whether good or bad; is the ink for my pen. The wrong people have done to me; is the lead for my pencil. -Phyllis Strong

Lord I could never be good enough to deserve all that my heart desires from you. -Phyllis Strong

There is no place of bondage that no one can keep you in when God has made you free. -Phyllis Strong

Not saying anything at all isn't always because they don't have anything good to say. Jealousy and envy can silence the tongue. -Phyllis Strong

God conforming us to the image of Christ may feel like He's a chiropractor; but we want it to feel like He's a massage therapist. -Phyllis Strong

I have several prayers that God hasn't answered yet, but I know He heard me; because He keeps amazing me by answering my thoughts. -Phyllis Strong

Why should a man buy and do the work that comes with having his own orchard, when he can get the cherries for free? -Phyllis Strong

Having senior status shouldn't take the place of having morals, integrity, and manners. There's a younger generation that's learning by example. -Phyllis Strong

I pray that all the money we've spent stepping out on faith; but failed, was deposited into an account for greatness. -Phyllis Strong

Satan doesn't mind you getting up each morning; because he needs a vessel to use. But what you choose to do in your day can make him angry and flee. -Phyllis Strong

The best gift that doesn't cost money, but some people isn't willing to give; LOVE. -Phyllis Strong

What everybody needs, does require wrapping, but doesn't need any tape; A Hug. -Phyllis Strong

Maybe it's only three wise men in the Nativity Scene because they gave willingly, and generously; the others had to be persuaded to give. -Phyllis Strong

The breath of a poet will cease; but the voice continues to live. -Phyllis Strong

If we need to apologize before we say "it", perhaps it's something we shouldn't say. -Phyllis Strong

I can testify to the fact that you'll accept love from anyone; if you feel you're not loved by anybody. -Phyllis Strong

I'd rather a store match exceptional customer service, than to price match. What good is a value; if the customers are not valued? -Phyllis Strong

Never put yourself down, thinking that people on TV are so perfectly beautiful; push pause on your DVR, you'll see… -Phyllis Strong

Determine today, that the amount of times you text; will not exceed the amount of times you pause to send a prayer up to God. -Phyllis Strong

Don't devalue a persons worth because of where they are in life. Foreign money has value; it's just in the wrong place to be used. -Phyllis Strong

Get up early enough in the mornings to pray, not just say a prayer. -Phyllis Strong

Change won't come with a church on every corner; but impact will happen when churches have their light on in every place. -Phyllis Strong

Be filled with the Holy Spirit, and have an ear to hear. All those who are poor and needy, may not outwardly appear. -Phyllis Strong

Smile, you never know who needs to see one. Be a blessing, there are plenty of people in need to receive one. -Phyllis Strong

Be kind to everyone, you don't know what kind of day they're having, week they've had, month they've endured and year they've persevered. -Phyllis Strong

No need to repay our enemies with evil; there's nothing we can do to them compared to the vengeance that the Lord said is His. -Phyllis Strong

People may ignore you like the man that fell among thieves, but God will send a Good Samaritan; hold on. -Phyllis Strong

Your best may not be able to touch their perfection; but applaud yourself in the fact that you tried, when some choose not to. -Phyllis Strong

It's not that the victim is at a place at the wrong time, but that the criminal has chosen to do the wrong thing with the freedom of time. -Phyllis Strong

Give a man a free meal and he'll be full for the day. Take the time to teach a man a skill, and he'll teach it to his children's children. -Phyllis Strong

Let your light shine brightly even when nobody is watching, someone will see your light. -Phyllis Strong

Don't sweat the things that didn't work out; God always has something better. -Phyllis Strong

It's easier to mold a child while they're young; than having to chisel a hardheaded teen. Let home training be stronger than bad influence. -Phyllis Strong

Be vigilant; because even when God makes a way, there are still serpents in the underbrush. -Phyllis Strong

Live your life in a way that you draw souls to God's kingdom; because no matter what we (Christian) "Say, " people will always observe what we do. -Phyllis Strong

Many people want to have a glorious TESTimony, but complain about the difficulty of the test. -Phyllis Strong

Be patient for your "Ship to come in, " God may still have some leeches to get out of your life. -Phyllis Strong

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