Blessing Asake

Blessing Asake Poems

it was then I had a soul,
I never believe the day will
have an end,
there is love in peace making.

Days of agony are unseen
Even if it shores, not even a word
Can filtered,
Erasing it is like a big ego.

Been a Black is a sin,
I can't think on my own,
I'm flexible and kind but all they do is to discriminate us, we are shoddy.

when I become a graduate
all the tension of exam will be
for the sleepless night of no regrets, but I can't stop it, the tune of the night I can hear but can't see the flies.

in my cage,
I crave for love,
I never bid for heartbreak,
buh I'm breaking one.

night falls party apart
take me home, when I'm out
scoop with me,
never let the weather take me.

Starting with pitter patterning
Sound that everyone can write now,
What should I write about
When my heart ignite, i feel so shatter, can't write.

it just a bad beginning,
yeah I can sense that,
this is 24th century everyone keep calling.

I want a new beginning,
A path that has no end,
Yet i choose sadness over
I wish to have the world just in one.

It's my birthday
I wish myself many good things,
Beginning of new steps; to have many fortune, wealth of no class,
I pray o Lord.

it was a solid day,
I'm moving to share my glacier,
one can easily see the moment of a star,
when I heard the lousy sound of a wall

A place call earth
have you been there?
I heard there franciful are

challenge if you can write in verse
and make your lines rhetorical
put in if you can make stanzas out of allusion
let others feel you can smile in simile

I wish to have a though
so when I'm dying I can stick to one,
I'm living a planet call earth.

we do call it a game
not just a game of power buh one for the throne, I'm from a dirt zone, they set us all ahead,
we're been gambling.

it a wide foreign game
I'm Lionel when it comes to a page
I have many calories, my goals are free
and I can link them in chapters.

I do think writers are billionaire
but they haven't make millions.

I do think writers can change the world

I'm giving out but I was not taking,
I wish democracy as a nation itself,
I'm indigenous writer, I can calibrate memories into though,
my tribe is not what they say;


imagine you were born in 1900s
when world war began,
when we look too innocent, mankind can tell we they had peace then.

come to Nigeria
my county is on Gulf of Guinea
with many landscape and wide life reserve.

Blessing Asake Biography

Africa man)

The Best Poem Of Blessing Asake

A Night Before Dawn

it was then I had a soul,
I never believe the day will
have an end,
there is love in peace making.

at night I found my asylum, those ones I do seek for at dawn,
now I can play a bet
just for a better night.

it look so drawn before dawn
my night is payment for my wickedness
I never had a strong attitude
that's when I'm dreaming.

I had a night before dawn
it look peace for my pecans
the light is what I do think
now my night as dawn in a wailing caverns.

Blessing Asake Comments

Blessing Asake Quotes

Not all best things are learn from a day view

Best politics ever is to ignore the devil

I need new haters, the old ones are starting to like me

Not just to win alone can you stand the obstacle

No matter who you are or what you do, don't offend a writer

When you're not special no one will heel to your words

You don't have to criticize others; it maybe good day and still have bad though and it maybe bad day and have good though

the language for poem is forgiveness

When you learn how make peace you will forget how to love

A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regrets. Always control you anger because you are just an alphabet away from danger!

All achievements had their beginnings in an idea

People who are constantly use to discuss other people life are in most cases not happy with their own, so ignore them!

The day you find peace in solace the world will be under your control

They said let love lead but we do share nothing in common

We can be living in memories and still forget the past

Claim nothing when you have something

If i change my thoughts many will stop believing

We say we are the same but we look different

Sometimes we do things just for love not just because we respect you

A man should understand he doesn't protect his woman because she is weak....he protects her because she is important..

If we judge by a mistake we are all a sinner

If you forget you will go a long way but if you keep remaining you will keep hurting yourself

Don't be a fool a the game you pay for

Nobody is choosing you as priority you r just making things hard for yourself

A distance love, peace at last breakup will make up our story

buried my thought just to have some imaginations

Be grateful for yours not all men has the heart of forgiving

not make your own happiness a common feature

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