Miss Fairytale

Miss Fairytale Poems

Do you ever stare
into the eyes of a beautiful soul
and wonder how many memories they hold?
How many thoughts they've had of you

Once I saw a solar eclipse.
Like dusk at midday
the sun darkened
to New Moon black

This room
Heavily feminine
Antique white

Laced with eloquence;
she glides along the dusty riverbed,
One blood rose in her hair and the funeral flower in her hand.
Ebony trails lash at the flaky ground

Etched into these pages
Live lines my soul exhaled
Breathless words
Thought in shape


I wonder why this angel
is able to fly.
Light and pure
he may be

Pale berries fade to bright
Leaves green whisper autumn
Creasing brown and crisping – falling,
July parts with Summer sudden as fright.

Woman stops at a window
below a blood-orange sky,
Watches drinkers sip from china
cups, tuck crumbs into napkins,

A blood-slice high in
black grows fat as an orange
to a full blood moon.

I would like a dress made of your skin
A speckled garment to wrap myself in
Threaded together with strands of your hair
And preciously beaded with tears.

You are rocks - solid and slow
Beneath the serenity
I am a leaf caught in flow
An under nourished casulty

A lost man walked along with me
The road I had misplaced,
He taught me proper walking
With strong boats

Gifts from our Mother;
Womb, seed and blood
The eternal jewels of creation
And the plentiful cup of knowing.

Earth –
My home
My body
My knowledge

Spoken words rest stagnant in rigid mouths
Burnt flesh flakes softly from barely-grown bones
Fields of lovers scatter landscapes,
Pure hearts arrow-punctured.

Married to the world
Anger echoes circular
Without end
Like a ring.

Anti-human voices boomed in the tunnel
in the street, under steel
Carnage dropped from the air into silence,
and all became still at England's heart.

Summer bloomed in the heavens
A plump orange in the blue swamp
Flame to waxy moon-faces.

I sit down and remind myself of you.

The roses on the heater smell delicious
But their colour is not as obvious,

'Goodnight sweet Day', I have to say
As you pass me by without delay
And the stars in your hair wink at cold night
You push me on to dreamless delight.

The Best Poem Of Miss Fairytale

Lovely Heart

Do you ever stare
into the eyes of a beautiful soul
and wonder how many memories they hold?
How many thoughts they've had of you
How many dreams you've shared.

How many times have you known you were right,
and watched him whilst he slept at night,
Told him that he's worth so much
Held him as cried his pain away
Thinking you could drown in those eyes,

Painful tears that wash nothing away
Tears that no one else can see,
Because the only girl he loves is me.

When your eyes drip
I want to kiss the anguish away
Hug you so tight that
I might squeeze your pain away.

When your soul cries for mine I give it to you,
In that moment I could die for you.
Keep my soul safe,
I'll never take it back,
Lock it away
Kiss it when you need to.

I promise to care for your lovely heart.

December 2003

[ For M.C ]

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