Kayla Duf

Kayla Duf Poems

It feels like a weight has been lifted,
When you talk to me, when you look at me,
It feels like everything is in the right place,
I can't figure it out,

Silence, I welcome it like a gift,
Treasure my solitude,
Hope for no disturbance,
Love what you hear,

So what your just gonna run,
From all your problems now,
You say Drama, I caused you drama,
Now look at whose causing Drama,


Your gone and you can't hurt me anymore,
Your out of my life, and I'm out of yours,
Thats exactly what you wanted,
You know what its also what I want,

I'm sitting here,
In the dark,
Everything is quiet,
Everything is Silent,

What is love,
Why does it hurt so much,
It's not fair, nothing hurts as much,
Life itself has never hurt so much,

Fine then dont listen to me anymore,
I don't care, You've hurt me for the last time,
I won't let you do this to me, Not Again,
I've had enough and I know what to watch for,

My life is empty now,
You just left me all alone,
But I know its not your fault,
Fate did this to me,

I pretend your just away for a shot while,
But deep down I know your gone forever,
I wish you were still here,
I have to go on without you,


I'm looking from side to side,
I can't seem to decide,
If only he could see the pain he is causing me,
I don't know how much longer I can fight,

Why do I do this to myself,
I was finally over him,
And now all I want to do is find someone just like him,
I don't want a relationship anymore,

What do you want from me,
I'm sorry I can't be what you want to me be,
Life just doesn't work that way,
I want so many things,

Here I am, waiting to hear your voice,
Knowing that it will never sound that way for me,
I'm not her and I never will be,
I have no idea how to be her,

I'm sorry I screwed up,
But there I said it,
Whats done is done,
I can't change what she said,

So this is where we are now,
Is this it, where you want off,
Your gonna leave me here all alone,
Why, I don't deserve this,

Long ago somewhere far away,
This girl fell in love, she fell fast and hard,
But the boy, just didn't feel the same,
Now she sits here feeling broken hearted,

It feels like I'm drowning,
Yet, I'm surrounded by friends and love,
You always make me feel guilty about something,
Why do you even talk to me,

I miss you,
How much I'll never let you know,
You don't deserve to know,
You had your chance, to make me happy,

I want you to tell me,
Why you want to talk to me,
I want, need to know what you are thinking,
I love you, but I'm not in love with you,

I think we are better off as friends,
We were friends, when we started,
Now your in love with me,
I'm sorry I just don't feel the same way,

Kayla Duf Biography

I'm 17 years old. I have been writing since I was 14. I write to make myself feel better about everything that goes on in my life. I live with my boyfriend of almost a year now. I have 2 sisters and one brother. I don't see any of them very much. I have alot of issuses in my life. I hope you enjoy my poems. Please feel free to leave comments or message me. Kayla)

The Best Poem Of Kayla Duf

Forgive, But Never Forget

It feels like a weight has been lifted,
When you talk to me, when you look at me,
It feels like everything is in the right place,
I can't figure it out,
I was sure I didn't want you anymore,
Love is corrupt, it loves to peel open old wounds,
I don't know if I'll be able to take another hurt,
I care for you, but not in the same way I once did,
I still have feelings, but I won't take that chance,
Not again, you hurt me for the last time,
I will forgive, but, I will never forget,
My life is not yours for the taking,
At one time it was, but you blew it boy,
I sometimes wish that you would hurt,
Like you hurt me, but I don't wish that for you also,
I hate to think of you in any pain,
Maybe it would be better,
If you wouldn't take my attention anymore,
Make this easier for everyone,
Let us leave where we are calmly,
So we don't end up hating each other,
I don't think I'll ever hate you,
My heart won't let me,
But please don't hurt me again.

Kayla Duf Comments

Cathleen Hodgkinson 14 March 2008

Kayla, You sound so young...Your work is very intense. There is so much pain in your words...There is so much potential in your work...Please, please, please keep on writing...develop your own style, use writing as a vehicle to get the pain out! No pills, no coffin! Use this as a sign because obviously you found something that can be your 'niche'! I'd much rather read your work. We've ALL been there, we all have pain. May I perhaps inspire you to write (when you're ready) about suicide being a permanent solution to a temporary problem?

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