Habzy Bèzay

Habzy Bèzay Poems

Everything I see is black and white,
don't you think?
'no, no quite.
everything is bright, just look towards the light'

I wish I could help you, I wish I could save you
from all the times it's like you felt parazalyed,
stuck in this world I know it's hard to survive
I would strive through to get through in and out of the door

I'm caught in this moment to express how I feel
I want to tell you now, just want to keep it real.
All the troublesome, lies, anger, and hate; we've been through it all caused by a fake. Can you honestly say you made a change in your life?
negative or positive, call it what you want it to be because I'ma say negative, Ima push you to the side and stay the hell out of it.

We have acquainted for a while,
as we worked, studied, or hanged around.
and as we subconsciously fade away,
the words are written on our face.


We begin to speak of solitude
And you say you understand me.
So mellow and peaceful.


If I knew the truth I would have craved for your safety.
Even before you considered ending a fear to escape this world.
Now it all becomes clear right to the bottom of the pier, it makes me shed a tear,
that it can come from the unexpected and can easily become affected.

A late morning to start
As the area is covered in snow,
My heart beats so fast, another day to go.
What a year it has been

The Best Poem Of Habzy Bèzay

Colour Of Feelings

Everything I see is black and white,
don't you think?
'no, no quite.
everything is bright, just look towards the light'
That's how you see it?
'Yes, thats right'
Thats suggestible
'Are you skeptical? '
No, I just find it difficult.
'well that can be forgettable, it wont last forever'
But I've practically endured it my whole life
'oh whatever...'
Years and years have gone by, do you think I'd tell such a lie?
'Just look into the light, we're talking about colours! '
I simply cannot see it positively like that....
'Be pessimistic, fine. But you're not blind, don't be unrealistic.'
I dont want to stand and listen to this
'Are you getting emotional? '
This discussion certainly is.
'Are we talking about colours or feelings? '
Have you no understanding? I am talking about feelings, cant you see me bleeding?
So I think you will find that you are the one who is certainly blind.

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