Deepak Calyampoondi

Deepak Calyampoondi Poems

Wonderfully beautiful as a Queen,
A wonderwoman that no man has seen,
A smile which is innocent and warm,
Dashini, to others you mean no harm.

Life is momentary, so live in the moment,
Cherish what you have and be content,
live in the present and not in the past,
for life alike time never does last.

Life is a deep mystery,
The more you know,
The deeper it grows,
You are alone,

The Divine lights of Heavens,
Descend down to Earth,
To embrace and unite Humanity,
In the form of the festival of lights.

Free lunches is a not,
Forget not what we brought,
We are here to make a change,
Good thoughts is what we exchange.

This is a beginning of a new life,
Its really a boon to have an understanding wife,

I am sure you both are made for each other,

If there is anything without a color,
you're life will begin to discolor,
The wonderful colors of the rainbow in sky,
Keeps your eyes glued, tell me why?

Like a breeze from the sea,
what we can't see,
the sweet sounds that jingle,
come to you and tingle,

O Pain! Don't stop,
Keep doing your work,
Of sculpting His Divine form,
At the bottom of my heart...

And now I sleep peacefully,
Without any care,
For I know who watches me,
YOU are there!

Touched by your loving grace,
Such a beautiful bloom I have become,
My name now becomes meaningless,
My Divine! , As I merge with you

To be the only hope of millions,
You had to undergo many hardships,
All that divine grace you got,
Only to give and give...

We are all travellers between life and death,
For the travel we hire our bodies,
And a warm home called The Earth,
And have the company of Nature's beautiful melodies.

Now-a-days where is that cheer,
unless i call up friends to have a beer,
Just like mist gone we are apart in many ways,
But where are my School days.

With half of her face,
only which i could see,
I went nearer to unravel her mystery.

The eternal fragrance, embraces me,
thoughts of love, do reach me,
with the whiff of wind from the air,
a feeling which no words can compare.

What is life without a problem,
will there be anything at all to overcome? ,
We would miss the opportunity to become,
and show others where you really come from,

*'Dedicated to Swami Vyom sri my spiritual Guru'*

I was far, yet he came to me,
not within reach, but reached within me.

Deepak Calyampoondi Biography

Born on 10th November,1969, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu India.)

The Best Poem Of Deepak Calyampoondi

Be That Beauty From Within

Wonderfully beautiful as a Queen,
A wonderwoman that no man has seen,
A smile which is innocent and warm,
Dashini, to others you mean no harm.

Lost at times, your mind wanders,
In the darkness of this worldly affairs,
Forget the past and begin a new,
Wonderful and rewarding life.

Smile is your blessing
smiling you will win someday,
You are a good friend and an Angel,
Begin another wonderful chapter from today.

Forget your past and embrace the future,
There is much to know, learn and grow,
Seek good friends who cheer you up,
And always welcome you with roses.

Always smile and glow,
To light others life,
Surrender to Him the almighty,
And you can see his beauty from your within.

Good luck for life!

Deepak Calyampoondi Comments

Abhay Vignesh L 07 March 2011

Awesome poems.Well penned and well imagined

4 1 Reply

Deepak Calyampoondi Quotes

Art is the highest expression of the Human soul. It's an experience worth undertaking.

Faith is the power given to the bond energy between You and God.

I'm an ordinary traveller who has found a few flowers on the way. I'm far from my destination 'unknown'

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