RoseAnn V. Shawiak Sons Poems

America's Sons

Pat Tillman, a soldier, a hero, personifying all men
and women serving their time in the military, fighting
our war for freedom and democracy.

Growing Older With My Sons

Quietly withdrawn, holding on to silent feelings of gentle sorrow.
Knowing my sons, are growing up and away, thoughts along that line
pull my heart in opposite directions.
Letting go - up to a point - then pulling back, a quartet of yo-yo's

Mountains Missing Their Sons And Daughters

Noticing desert landscapes up and down the street where I live
in Phoenix, saguaros, ocotillos, barrel and jumping cacti all
beckoning this mind's poetical essence.

Father And Sons

Dancing around to rhythms their father is playing, turning
up the volume and enjoying letting go of grief, laughing
and crying out of sorrow, finding a place beyond it all to
enjoy and have some peace inside of them.

Father Dancing With His Sons

Listening to incessant probings of intellect, knowing what
feelings are inside, odd sensations coinciding with those
that are happening within.

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