Michael Shepherd Sonnet Poems

! Sonnet 59 For Dad

I'm thinking, Dad, that soon, maybe, we'll meet;
at least, that's how it seems from what I hear;
the info's not at all clear on this point:
like, where exactly; and what will I wear,

0243 The Sonnet

Why is this sonnet form so dear to me?
this silent cloister of the singing heart
where I may be myself in sanctity
yet meet beloved strangers there in art;

0380 Sonnet: Katrina To Marc

Marc – remember splashing through the waves,
and walking barefoot in the sand, so fine
between the toes? And how the breeze, that day,
caressed your face, in 1989?

Sonnet And Sonata

May sonnet ever match sonata form?
whose opening movement catches restless mind;
whose new and ever-fresh harmonious sound
puts spark in eye and ear, and feet on ground;

0379 Species: Sonnet 190

It's said that every species in the world
displays one gift beyond the scope of Man;
how dangerous the skies - to men and birds -
how soiled the air, if wings were in Man's span!

0244 Trying To Write A Sonnet

It's a bit like a trip in a hot air balloon -
the hot air of thousands of years of
poets poetizing; all trying to float a little higher than the everyday,
just a little lower than the angels -

! ! A Sonnet In Soul's Eyes

If the soul had eyes unshadowed by
that restless fog that shorts my mortal stature;
eyes so bright with dazzling holy light
reflected pure from every living creature -

! ! Sonnet: On His Deafness

‘Speak up! No need to shout – I’m not t h a t deaf..! ’
-do I have any real right to complain
if years of partial listening have brought
now partial hearing in their fateful train?

! ! Barely Rhymed Sonnet: Love And Law

The universe, a single act of love,
it’s said; and ever so, then, must remain;
is never other; has no place for hate,
save in the minds and hearts of less than men..

Sonnet For The Day Of Epiphany

Their wives were not too keen about it all:
beyond the call of duty, so it seemed;
for, if they read the heavens' portents so well,
what need of proof, of presence at the scene?

! ! Sonnet On The Morning Of Christ's Birth

This starry dawn – the wise men yet afar –
the shepherds are abed, their night’s task done.
Is Mary tired? Or, as one untouched?
All birth’s a miracle; no less this one.

! ! A Business Trip. Sonnet For Epiphany.

Their wives were not too keen about it all:
beyond the call of duty, so it seemed;
for if they read the heavens’ portents so well,
what need of proof; of presence at the scene?

! ! Selfe's Grammar: A Sonnet In The Style Of George Herbert

O Lord: my dearmost Selfe – why need I name Thee?
Whom I need not call - forever near;
O Lord: my wholest Selfe – what grammar speak Thee,
who art Word and Speech, and Mouth and Ear;

On The Dawn Of Christ's Nativity [sonnet]

This starry dawn – the wise men yet afar –
the shepherds are abed, their night’s task done.
Is Mary tired? Or, as one untouched?
All birth’s a miracle; no less this one.

! ! The Dawn Of Christ's Nativity [sonnet]

This starry dawn – the wise men yet afar –
the shepherds are abed, their night’s task done.
Is Mary tired? Or, as one untouched?
All birth’s a miracle; no less this one.

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