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Abrar Ajaz Wani was born on 25th of November 1999 in Sogam Lolab-a small village in Kashmir Valley, in Ju Wani family. He went to Army Goodwill School for schooling and then later joined SSM College for Engineering. He gave his bayt pledge of allegiance to Hazrat Sheykh Lokman Effendi who is a saint in Osmanli Naqashbandi Spiritual Order.
Wani believes one must take a different path the normal to become immortal. He went for the computer and science and done two pieces of research in the field of science which resulted in the invention of a keyboard called “Keyboard for Blind People” and “Auto Electricity generator Modal ”. He earned many awards and international appreciations from scientists like Ajay Bhat Intel, USA. He was titled as a Child Scientist in 103 International Science Congress held at the University of Mysore, Karnataka, He took a path in Child Science Congress session and exhibited his project KBP.
He has learned Persian astrology when he was just schooling. The poet that always fascinates me is Ghalib of Urdu, I just love him for his depth ideas of mysticism, and also find Mohsin Naqvi as an outstanding poetic Idol.
Wani's poems generally speak of Sufism and love. He had written praises for Prophet Muhmmad AS, his Sheykh Effendi, and other saints as well.
I Works
1 Hasrat-e-Sehar Urdu Poetry collection, Not published yet
2 Verses of Abrar English Poetry Collection, Still working
II Awards for Research:
1 Distt. le..
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