Unspoken Word Poem by Sweet Carolina

Unspoken Word

Unspoken Word

Words that are spoken leave the mouth and land in the ear. Some spoken words are kind and dear. But all too often, spoken words will be distant from the unspoken word you will hear.

The unspoken word is silent from the start. It has no place of residence on the tongue. It leaves the soul and lands somewhere in the heart. Oh, the unspoken word can build or destroy. It can leave oneself broken or make you whole.

In all of my life, these three decades and a half, spoken words humor me generously. The lies told upon me, I surely laugh at. But the unspoken words speak only to the half of my journey upon earth and my blazed path.

Only a fool would start in the middle of a novel and forget to read the beginning and the last.

They won't tell you how I led them from darkness into the light. And showed them a world of possibilities and saved them from troublesome days and sleepless nights.

They won't tell you how I inspired them and gave them a new vision of life. And the path they followed so closely after was one I dredged from pain and strife.

They won't tell you how my tears were the mighty river they chose to canoe. On a raft made from my very own muscles, blood, and sinew.

They won't tell you; I promise you they won't. And in my heart, I assure you, I care not if they don't. Unspoken words not heard don't make them less true. I have no quarrels to carry and no qualms to make due.

However, if I might say a word last spoken loudly and last, from the days I met them until the days gone past. When you see them, I beg you to ask. Ask them to remember our conversations long ago and let it be not an arduous task.

Because what they won't tell you, and even today it's true, is that I always loved them and they once loved me too.

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