Springtime For The Farmer Poem by Nafisa SB

Springtime For The Farmer

Let's all see what the farmer does
When Spring is in its bloom
He ploughs the soil with all his might
And then, for the seed, makes room.

He plants the seed with a joyful air
For he's certain of the harvest, this year
While he sends his young son to tend to the sheep
He looks thankfully at the bright sun

The lambs are happy and they frisk for joy
Even they are young, like their master's boy
Their hearty frolic pleases the young lad
It banishes from his mind, any thought that is sad.

The calves all line up, very early in the morn
To have their feed, as soon as it is Dawn
And so the day's work takes a pleasant start
As his 2nd son hitches the bullock to the cart.

And as soon as his wife appears from inside the house
The hens and the ducklings all so stout
Rush as if to say - come on out, with the food
We are welcoming you, as well as your repast good.

The little chicks who diffidently stand at the back
Chirp - don't forget us, for, we, energy lack
Feed us well, and when we grow up, we'll supply you with eggs
But now, please feed us hastily, they, all in unison, beg.

Each of them is busy, doing his or her own work
They have a lot to do, but none of it does irk
And so they gaily do their jobs, singing a happy tune
For spring's a lovely season - a very precious boon..

It comes in with a smile
Its beauty makes people swoon
It precedes the hot and sultry
Months of May and June…

So smile, or laugh merrily, just don't you nap at noon
For that there is ample time- for school will now close soon..

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