Rabbit In The Clouds Poem by Jim Yerman

Rabbit In The Clouds

Three mornings in a row on my walk who should I happen to meet…but a solitary rabbit…the same rabbit…sitting in the middle of the street.

The first two mornings I tiptoed by…not wanting his solitude to betray…and was somewhat surprised when he didn't move…when he didn't hop away.

The third morning I said "Hello Mr. Rabbit." (I used mister because manners I do not lack) …and was even more surprised when he said, "Hello" back.

I immediately stopped in the middle of that street…in the middle of my walk…
and told him, "in all my years upon this Earth I never knew a rabbit who could talk."

"There are two main differences between rabbits and humans." He said smiling.
"The first is rabbits never have a bad hair day…
and the second is we rabbits talk only when we have something important to say."

"So what has brought you out hese last three mornings…it has been three mornings I believe."
"Three days ago." The rabbit said, "I lost a friend and I've come out to grieve."

"Rabbits believe since we are creatures of the Earth we go back to the Earth when we die…and we believe our spirit, once it leaves us, becomes a cloud up in the sky."

"So we try to find a quiet place…far from the maddening crowds…
to say goodbye to one we loved as we search for them in the clouds."

"And did you find him" I asked and the rabbit smiled…there was a twinkle in his eye…
When I looked up sure enough there was a rabbit cloud in the sky."

Gently floating with the other clouds in the morning just before dawn…
I smiled but when I returned my gaze to the rabbit…the rabbit…he was gone.

I hope I'll see him again someday on my walk…when he has something important to say…
Until then I'll search the morning sky for rabbit clouds…
it's a wonderful way to start my day

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