Eden Paradise Poem by Hamid eldood Mahdi

Eden Paradise

How could I forget! ‎

The pregnant moments we shared, ‎
The very rendezvous that harboured us, ‎
The Nile water that encircled us.‎
The green meadows that embraced us, ‎
The generous trees willingly bending
Their branches, welcoming our intimacy.‎
The doings of the gentle breeze on your hair, ‎
The doings of your breath on me, ‎
Indeed, intoxication without wine! ‎

‎* * *‎
Everything entices the eye.‎
The moon beams soliloquizing the sea.‎
My eyes clasping the mirror of your cheeks
The arresting flashes of yours dazzling mine.‎
Still, still feeling your fingers passing
Through my hair - ‎
The delicate touches of the painted thumbs, ‎
On my sweaty forehead, ‎
The coddling of the necklace over my face
The ecstasy of the sacred scent, with
Which we mingled, fused, melted, and became one, ‎
Capsuled and enveloped in a holy divine hug.‎

‎* * *‎
Moments are interpreted in this-oneness - togetherness.‎
The whole world was ours, ‎
The Eden paradise embodied
‎ In you - on you - with you
Yes, you have never absented yourself
From my mind-neither a single moment
Nor fraction of a second! ‎
Had perfection been not the
Characteristics of God - I would have said
You are the perfect, pretty, and purest
One on God's earth! ‎

‎* * *‎
Recalling those pleasant memories ‎
Chiselled and engraved in the walls
Of my heart- the strings inside me
Begin playing a Beethoven's symphony -‎
Drumming deep down in me - penetrating me
Piercing me - awakening in me the
Reminiscences of the divine past and
The unfair fate.‎

‎* * *‎
Down here in the litter basket of history, ‎
Left, damned by ever - wandering cures
The ‘pangs of wanderlust' - living in
The ruins of false time, plastic cities, ‎
Relics of bitter reality and
Remnants of the imposed present.‎

‎* * *‎
Honey and bleeding tears - a melting
Pot of two paralleled lines - an eccentric, ‎
Odd blend- is a reflective mirror of my
Deplorable state! ‎
The only remaining vent I do escape to-‎
The spiritual link that shortens
The barren distance between you and me

‎* * *‎
Picturing those unforgettable, magnificent
Sessions which as a resort they have become, ‎
In which the soul buries the
Vicissitude of time
And conceal the cares of life! ‎

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