RoseAnn V. Shawiak Enlightenment Poems

Enlightenment Of Faith

Joyfully living during times of happiness, filled with
hope, gathering us into an enlightenment of faith.

There we can contemplate and find our way through life's

Fields Of Enlightenment

Romping through poetical fields of enlightenment,
dancing to rhythms of life in this mind's poetry.

Running wild, being an unruly child, having fun

Used For Enlightenment

Blindly seeing through intellect, the many varied
facets of wisdom there.

They are just waiting to be used for enlightenment

Mind Enlightenment

Tranquil peace settling into my soul,
awakening thoughts of educated minds,
while waiting for enlightenment.

Steps Of Enlightenment

Coastlines run along us as we travel down highways of
life's landscapes, looking at visions of beauty
created by natural desires of mother nature.

Positive Enlightenment

Solitarily alone, enjoying peace and serenity of playing in
my mind, a vast repertoire of rhythms and tones vibrating
throughout intellect.

Daily Enlightenment

Cameras focus on today's horizon, watching it's
progress as our world turns into believable
journeys of tasteful reluctance.

Enlightenment Of Dawn

Trilling to music as it fills the atmosphere, taking my soul along with it.
Traipsing along tunnels of darkness and into the enlightenment of dawn.

Sublime Enlightenment

Looking shyly into the future, seeing a plenitude of energy, positively forming itself into modes of expression.
Sending signals, omens of good sense, towards an imaginative reality, sliding always in front of my sight.
Leaving nothing to chance, beginning on every level with no thoughts, just writing whatever comes down the lines of intellect.
Forging, hopefully into wisdom's avenues so it may be shared with others not so fortunate when it comes to genial intensity.

Mystery Filled With Enlightenment

Every day waking to music and dreams of a poetical essence
touching soul and heart, giving a love of life to be written
into poetry.

Den Of Enlightenment

Singers voices keeping perfect time with rhythms of music, tone perfectly in balance and weighing on this poetical mind while listening.

Musicians taking this mere poet into their private den of enlightenment that was always so fascinating to be in an atmosphere of beauty.

Deepened Enlightenment

Peace escalating in all directions, taking a walk in and through intellectual and creative processes quietly and happily.

Tempos now being pronounced in rapid rhythms, picking up speed, taking this mere poet interiorly into the bluened Light.
Bringing instantaneous peace and joy.

Natural Enlightenment

A natural enlightenment taking over through music, its rhythms touching and playing with a mind, lifting spirits,
watching as music fills intellect.

Posing in mathematical formulas as they appear, wanting to be tried and experimented within, each of them.

Teaching Steps Of Enlightenment

Shining and vibrant, teaching steps of enlightenment in measures of rhythms, manners climbing like ivy into the heights of a totally beautiful landscape where nothing is dull or complicated.

All is easy and simple, touching interior spirits of life as smiles fit perfectly in moods of an interior flow of spiritual connotations, finding their energy as music continues to move this mere poet all the time.

Canopies Of Enlightenment

Lights rewarding this poet as Cold Front plays, keeping the energy rising higher within every melody.

Canopies of enlightenment hovering overhead as music intensifies in the midst of all the excitement.

Effervescent Enlightenment

Placing beats steadily into intellect, writing poetry
rapidly, not wanting to hear anything else, no talking,
no conversation, just wanting to hear music.

Avenues Of Enlightenment

Slowly galloping down memory lane, recollecting past good times
and meaningful relationships that have stood the test of time.

Avenues of enlightenment creating designs of tomorrow's visions

Screen Of Enlightenment

Easy living in forests of time, smelling pine scents,
climbing mountains with serenity.

Patches Of Enlightenment

Flowing along darkened pathways of sorrow, entering patches
of enlightenment on the way, touching an interior innate
knowledge and wisdom.

Tasting Curiosity Of Enlightenment

Raking through embers of yesterday, making sure they are still
lit in order to lead the way through hallways of intellect,
it's rhythms rising and falling in measures of time.

Ancient Enlightenment

Thrilling to the beauty of romance as it's savory aroma
fills my heart, wondering where it will take me, going
further into fields of another time.

Vibrant Cache Of Enlightenment

Lightly and tantalizingly, a rhythm touches my mind and
totally allows freedom and independence of life and talent
to fill me with succulent peacefulness and s serenity of

Enlightenment Of Indian Life When Arriving In India

Morning has broken open, bringing all possibilities into
the light, forging and showing the way into an enlight-
enment of the Indian way of life.

Enlightenment From Coaxial Systems

Solely being entertained in depths of a band,
an experience that's vibrant and exciting,
pushing adrenaline.

Beauty Of Enlightenment

Misty curtains pulled open magically, showing the beauty of
enlightenment through a sincere and thoughtful poem being
written through a softened moment of truth and honesty.

Hidden Enlightenment

Attuned and holding onto beats as they reflect all energy and
enlightenment hidden away inside, not wanting to share these
moments because they're intense and mysterious.

Reflections Of Enlightenment

Being tempted in depths of sounds, letting self be
driven by their rhythms into blossoming gardens
filled with intense thoughts of reason, logic and

Interior Thoughts Of Enlightenment

Concentrating on a melody and its essence,
wanting to turn away from flats that keep
on coming into a song unbidden.

Windows Of Enlightenment

Mind slamming the door on life, walking away into
imagination where things are better because they're
being created incessantly. with a very vibrant and positive
attitude and mood.

Musical Enlightenment

Energetic and filled with musical enlightenment, touching our
hearts and souls while entertaining us so vibrantly, filled
with a lively rhythmic sense of human nature.

Moist Enlightenment

Registering dialects of rhythm interiorly, letting
them settle into a melody, tantalizing inner senses.

Retrieving the delicacies of sensations building

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